Jul 21

Oleh Sayidiman Suryohadiprojo, Mantan Gubernur Lemhannas Masyarakat Indonesia diguncang masalah pendidikan saat Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional diundangkan. Sebenarnya sudah lama pendidikan merupakan masalah yang amat mengganggu perkembangan bangsa. Sekurangnya sepuluh tahun lalu sudah banyak orangtua tidak yakin akan mutu pendidikan yang diperoleh anaknya. Juga sudah lama para guru dan pendidik tak puas akan kesejahteraan yang mereka peroleh. Para pakar pendidikan sudah lama berdebat tentang perlunya renovasi pendidikan. Bahkan, ada yang mengatakan, pendidikan nasional bagai bola ruwet yang sukar memberi manfaat bagi bangsa dan negara. Tidak mungkin ada sistem persekolahan berjalan baik tanpa kehadiran guru yang memadai mutunya, baik intelektual, teknik keguruan, mental, maupun fisik. Itu memerlukan korps guru yang memperoleh pendidikan guru bermutu, diberikan tingkat kesejahteraan memadai dan status sosial terhormat bahkan di atas status sosial profesi lain. Dan tidak mungkin ada sistem pendidikan nasional yang baik read more .....

Jul 10

Sayidiman Suryohadiprojo, Former Governor National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas), Jakarta Every year on Oct. 5 the Indonesian Military (TNI) celebrates its anniversary. It was 58 years ago that Indonesia developed its national armed forces from the existing People’s Security Agency (BKR). The first name of the armed forces was the Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (People’s Armed Security Forces), later changed to the Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat (People’s Armed Forces for Safety) and then later the Tentara Republik Indonesia (the Republic of Indonesia Military). The latest name change back to the TNI (after the name ABRI or the Indonesian Armed Forces was used from 1964 to 1999) was made to stress that the armed forces represented the people’s struggle against colonialism. This change included the integration of all the armed organizations formed by the people since the proclamation of independence in 1945, like the Barisan Pemberontakan Rakyat Indonesia (Indonesian People’s Front for Struggle) and others. The read more .....

Jul 5

The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Sat, 07/05/2003 4:09 PM Sayidiman Suryohadiprojo, Former Governor, National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas), Jakarta The Americans are now facing difficult and complicated problems in the management of postwar Iraq. Not only are administrative problems causing them severe headaches, but so are security problems. According to AFP, about 57 members of the U.S. military have become victims of postwar skirmishes since May this year. Only by winning peace can the U.S. build a new Iraq in accordance with its national interests. The Americans have already stated that the new Iraq will be a democratic Iraq. Although not formally stated, the U.S. is also interested in making Iraq an important — if not the most important — player in maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East, in accordance with U.S. interests. This means that the new Iraq should safeguard the continuity of the state of Israel in an environment of intense Arabic hostility. However, winning the peace in Iraq is not an easy nor read more .....